Ao iniciar-se o AL de 2010-11, o Lions Clube de Setúbal, neste dia da graça de 3 de Julho de 2010, cria este Blog, com dois objectivos principais:

1- Fazer chegar mais longe o conhecimento do historial e actividades do Clube.

2- Abrir um canal de comunicação com todos aqueles que connosco queiram partilhar os valores da solidariedade e do nosso Código de ética, independentemente de serem Companheiros Lions ou não.

IMPORTANTE : Este Blog tem 3 páginas: Inicial, Notícias do LCI e Formação. Abre sempre na página inicial, procure na coluna da direita o acesso às restantes. Recomendamos a página FORMAÇÃO.

O LION CLUBE DE SETÚBAL, reúne no NOVOTEL da cidade :

. Às segundas terças feiras de cada mês com o jantar mensal, às 20:00 horas.

. Às quartas terças feiras em reunião de desenvolvimento das actividades, às 21:00 horas.

sábado, 6 de julho de 2013


President's Message

Dear Lions, Leos and friends,

Welcome to the 96th Lions Clubs International Convention in Hamburg, Germany.

I would like to thank the International Convention Host Committee for all of its efforts to make this convention memorable. This international convention is a unique opportunity for Lions worldwide to share ideas, develop leadership skills and connect with fellow Lions united in service.

It has been an honor to serve as your international president for the past year. In my presidential theme, “In a World of Service,” I called upon Lions to expand our impact through the Reading Action Program. And Lions responded. We have expanded our partnerships, increased our visibility, and empowered millions of people through literacy and education programs. Thanks to your support, the Reading Action Program has been extended long-term to help reach those who are still in need.

As international president, I was given a unique opportunity to see the world and its growing needs. I also had the opportunity to see Lions coming together, rolling up their sleeves and working as a team to meet those needs. When Lions serve, they impact more than their neighborhoods and communities — they impact the world. Lions serve day in and day out on a global level. Lions Clubs International is the largest service club organization in the world, and I have seen firsthand that it is also the finest.

The future of our organization lies in the hands of Lion leaders such as you. Your dedication and vision will lead Lions forward—and to new heights. Thank you for your commitment, your tireless efforts on behalf of the association, and for the opportunity to serve as your international president.

Wayne Madden
International President

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